Our Sponsors
Thank you for supporting our team!

How to Donate
For Corporate Donors

Go to https://giveto.usc.edu to give your gift in support of ADT via credit card
Search and select “USC AeroDesign Fund” to make a one-time payment with the dollar amount in accordance with your desired sponsorship level
Forward the email confirmation you receive from this payment and the filled-out sponsorship form to all the following:
Please make sure to include your company name and company address in your email
Please complete these steps by August 25th, 2023, to receive premier advertisement on all ADT materials

Donation Options

How to Donate
For Individual Donors
Go to https://giveto.usc.edu to give your gift in support of ADT via credit card
Search and select “USC AeroDesign Fund” to make a one-time payment with your desired contribution

Our Fundraising Campaign
with USC Ignite
Due to the cost of building an aircraft and traveling to competition, we are raising funds to help offset much of the growing expenses. Our goal is $5,000 to help with covering materials, supplies, transportation, lodging, and food.
Every gift, no matter the amount, will make a difference.
Visit our Ignite Campaign page to make a donation. Thank you in advance for your generosity and support. With your help, we know that the sky is the limit.